Monday, January 4, 2010

30 Before 30

Instead of doing a typical New Years Resolution this year and inspired by the Nest, I decided to make a list of 30 Things I Want to do Before 30. This leaves me about 3 and a half years to get these accomplished.

1. Have a baby
2. Go on a cruise
3. Take a road trip to the Grand Canyon
4. Run a 5K
5. Read 10 books
6. Be more patient
7. Take a cooking class
8. Try new, more challenging recipes
9. Travel outside the country
10. Vegas baby!
11. Think (seriously!) about getting my masters degree
12. Not have a meltdown during hunting season
13. Attend a black tie/formal event
14. Have a significant amount of money in our savings account
15. Try 10 new restaurants
16. Go to an "away" game sporting event
17. Volunteer towards breast cancer research
18. Payoff my car
19. Be able to pay for myself and a friend to have a full spa day
20. Host a party at our house
21. Go to a bowl game (not in Houston)
22. Work out every day for a month
23. Own a ridicously expensive pair of shoes
24. Take more work related classes (computer classes, assistant classes)
25. Become more organized with important documents, create a recipe file (done 12/2/10)
26. Plan a girls weekend
27. Go to a yoga class
28. Go camping once a year for the three years
29. Try to relax more (not get so bent out of shape so easily)
30. Go to a big Houston parade

Our Babies

So people keep asking Brad and I when we are going to start a family. I tell them, in my eyes we already have one, its Brad, me, and our two puppies, Buckshot and Aggie.

Meet Buckshot. He is 8 going on 80. Brad has had him since he was a puppy (which means since he has been around longer than me, he think he has priority!) We always say that if Buckshot didnt smell, slobber or stink he would be the perfect dog. You have never met a more laid back, relaxed lab. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he takes 4 phenobarbital a day due to seizures.

Now meet our new baby, Aggie. Aggie was given to us by another hunting guide on Thanksgiving night. She is a year and a half old and I have to say once she gets out of her wild and crazy puppy stage she is going to be one amazing dog, both hunting and as a family dog.